Likes & dislikes
- Memes
- Photographing (old buildings, nature, sky...)
- Kitties, froggies and puppies
- Music
- Long and fun conversations
- Drawing
- Editing/graphic design (photos & videos)
- Norway
- Japan
- Traveling, exploring, learning new things
- Psychology
- Human anatomy
- Webtoon
- Color green & color combination of green and pink
- astrology/horoscope (but ion believe in it :P)
- Writing (blogs, stories, poems, essays...)
- Smell of onions
- Any insects, but ladybug, bees, ants and really small bugs (because i have entomophobia)
- To eat cabbages
- Bad/toxic people
- Cloudy weather, evaporation after rain & going somewhere while it rains
- Energy drinks, coca cola and any drinks similar to coca cola
- Studying something i don't like/i'm not interested in